Caleb's Website

This is my website for computer science 1. We are learning C#. C# is for making window app.
This is my first year of programming. Some day I want to go to school at Someplace.

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Hello world


This project changes the text in a label. This project changes the visible property of some images

Goodbye Wrold


For this project we got a choice of four foreign langues. I had to translate goodbye word into thoes differnt langues and display them.

Help Page


This project changes the text in a label, this project aslo changes the visible property of some images. This project gives a brief description on what this company does.

Test score


I am making a program that requires two test scores to be entered and the program, converts the number grade into the letter grade based on your score, it also gets the avrage score and the higher test score and displays it.



This game is rumbling which aims to get the person playing it to get addicted and give me more money but I dont charge real money so im not making anything =[

Car Rental


This project takes info form the user format and it and outputs in various ways.



This program gets information form the user like weight and height and tells you your BMI

Car Rental 2


This is the second version of the car rental project, the project takes information and formats it in a certain way.

Slot Machine


This is another game where you would lose money if you tried to win because the odds are stacked against you. This also is addicting.



This project is a midterm like project and involved all of the knowledge I had in programing and put it in one project.



This project has a database of all the bowl football of NIU and UAB up to the year 2018.

Fish Tank 1


This project was a stepping stone on the way to making a space invader game. This project contains the basic move function for the space invader game and we also make the fish move faster or slower

Fish 2D - Shark


This is the final version of this series of fish tank programs and it involves arrays and other stuff, if the shark touches the fish the fish will die and the game starts over.



This project consists of for loops and is going to help us do stuff in future projects, we use these loops to complete a certain task

Tic Tac Toe


This project we made a tic tac toe project witch was kinda easy but I made an ai that randomly chooses a picture box to be in the but it works some of the time IDK why but whatever

Basic AI


This project has basicAI witch follows the player and when the player touches the enemy they lose a life and when you run out of lives you lose the game its the same for the enemy player but it has more health



The game makes the "stars" look like you're flying through them and moves an array of space invaders

Space Invader


This was a project for fun that we had to do I would make more but Im out of itme, this project; when you shoot the bullet nad is touches the invador they die

Final Project


This was the final project of my first year at GITA hope you like it